Fish soup

Fish soup


75 dag of any fish, 2 l of water, a bunch of vegetables, bay leaf, pepper, allspice, 4 haha, onion, 2 tablespoons breadcrumbs, spoon of flour, spoon of butter or margarine, 2 spoons of chopped parsley

Scrape off the fish, gut, fillet. Head, Place the bones and fins in the saucepan, add a teaspoon of butter and some cleaned and chopped greens, cover tightly and stew (taking care, so that it does not burn). Then add water, add the rest of the soup vegetables and spices and cook. Pass the fish fillets through a food processor, mix with scrambled eggs fried from two eggs, hammer two raw eggs, add chopped raw onion, parsley, breadcrumbs, flour, pepper, salt and a teaspoon of butter. Knead everything well and form finger-thick rolls. Boil them in fish stock through 15 min., then take it out, Slice them into slices and put them in a vase together with the cooked and chopped vegetables. Pour over the carefully strained fish broth (if he is pale”, you can season it with caramel).