Recipes for mushroom dishes

Recipes for mushroom dishes.

1. Mushroom dumplings.
2. Noodles with ham and chanterelles.
3. Dumpling stuffing with sauerkraut and dried mushrooms – Christmas Eve.
4. Pierogi stuffing with fresh mushrooms.
5. Dumpling stuffing from dried mushrooms to red borscht.
6. Buckwheat dumpling stuffing with mushrooms.
7. Fish stewed with mushrooms.
8. Fish baked with mushrooms.
9. Festive zander or pike with mushrooms.
10. Birthday bream with mushrooms.
11. Follow in the village of Homoty as the mists approach.
12. Herrings with pickled mushrooms.
13. Hare casserole with fresh mushrooms.
14. Wild rabbit meatball.
15. Pickled mushrooms.
16. Salted mushrooms.
17. My mushroom pickle.
18. Mushrooms pickled the way of Podlasie.


1.Mushroom dumplings

Cake: 15 dkg of flour, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon of butter, also 10 dkg of dried mushrooms

1. Soaked and boiled in soaking water, chop the mushrooms finely. Use the mushroom decoction for soup.
2. Knead the dough by adding a little water, to get an elastic mass.
3. Roll out the dough, spread the chopped mushrooms on the cake and roll it several times.
4. Roll the cake into a tight roll and cut it crosswise into thin strips.
5. Toss the noodles into boiling water, Cook 5-6 minutes after departure.

Serve the noodles with the mushroom soup, broth, broth or topped with fried bacon.

2. Noodles with ham and chanterelles

50 dkg of cut noodles or ready-made pasta, e.g.. Italian penne, 20 dkg of ham, 20 dkg cock, 1 onion, 2 spoons of tomato paste, 2 spoons of butter, salt, pepper
1. Cut the ham into strips.
2. Fry the finely chopped onion in butter, add cleaned and washed, but uncut chanterelles, ham, fry. Add the tomato paste, season with salt and pepper.
3. Simmer, covered, on a slow fire 20 minutes.
4. Meanwhile, cook the noodles, strain, do not overfill with water, but put into a salad bowl immediately, pour sauce, mix and serve with salad.

ChanterelleCantharellus cibarius – widely known by his nicknames: tap, cock, crow's foot, dust foot, wart, fox, liszka, fox, better, better, weasel, mole, belongs to the most common pine mushrooms. Chanterelles occur in large numbers throughout the summer, from mid-June to the end of October. The fruiting bodies are yellow, medium size, older examples are funnel-shaped with jagged edges; on the underside of the hat, there are folds that run down the shaft. The flesh of the chanterelle is white with a yellowish tinge, hard, with a spicy flavor, slightly bitter, peppery, very pleasant smell, spicy, quite strong. In the household, chanterelles are pickled and salt. They are not suitable for drying, because they lose their proper taste, they become tough and stringy. On an industrial scale, chanterelles are frozen and exported.

3.Dumpling stuffing with sauerkraut and dried mushrooms – Christmas Eve.

2 kg of sauerkraut, 10 dkg of dried mushrooms, 2-3 large onions, 1 a glass of oil (preferably linen) , 1,5 teaspoons of salt, 2 teaspoons of ground black pepper, soup vegetables without cabbage
1. Boil the cabbage and leave it in a sieve for several hours.
2. Boil the mushrooms soaked the day before in the same water, in which they soaked with the addition of peeled and uncleaned vegetables.
3. Drain the mushrooms, leaving the decoction for the soup.
4. Mix cabbage and mushrooms or pass through a meat grinder. (We adhere to the advocates of knife chopping, that the fight at the table with the dragging cabbage in the stuffing is not very appetizing and distracts the moment, which should be spent on contemplation and concentration, be it mystical events, or taste).
5. Add finely chopped onion glazed in oil, leave part of which to pour the finished dumplings.
6. Mix all ingredients well , season with salt and pepper.
7. Put the finished stuffing on the dough rings and stick the dumplings together. Boil in salted boiling water through 2-3 min. from surfacing.

Nothing enhances the taste of these delicious dumplings as much as a glass of strong pejsachówka, though other attempts are equally welcome.

4. Pierogi stuffing with fresh mushrooms

2 kg of fresh forest mushrooms of various species, 10 dkg of fresh lard, 2 tablespoons of flour, 2 onions, 2 teaspoons of pepper, 2 teaspoons of salt
1. Clean the mushrooms thoroughly and wash them briefly. Cut into slices and add to boiling water. Simmer approx 10 min.
2. Put on a sieve, rinse with boiled water and allow to drain.
3. Slice it finely 5 dkg of lard, fry, add chopped onion and brown. Finally, add the flour, brown.
4. Mix everything with mushrooms, season with salt and pepper.
5. Put the stuffing on the circles cut out of the dough and stick the dumplings. Boil in salted boiling water through 2-3 min. from surfacing.
6. others 5 fry dkg of pork fat to pour over ready dumplings or use sour cream for approx. a quarter of a glass.

For the vegetarian version, the onions should be sautéed on a spoonful of butter, also add to the mass 2 tablespoons breadcrumbs. Ready to pour sour cream.