Jam and puree

fruit concentrate with a spreadable consistency,obtained by thickening fruit pulp or puree with a small addition …

Kwaszonka i marmolada

Kwaszonka – silage
canned vegetables or fruit (possibly with the addition of salt and spices) fixed by automatic (anaerobic) lactic fermentation, Time to catch up and present the perfect one …

Iron Fe

Iron Fe

trace element, whose current supply to the body is extremely important for health. Żelazo jest biopierwiastkiem niezbędnym do budowy czerwonych

Manganese and Copper

tomatoMangan Mn
a microelement playing next to iron, copper and cobalt play an important role in the hematopoietic process. Manganese is also detoxifying, zapobiegając zakłóceniom

Cobalt and Magnesium

Cobalt Co
a microelement that is part of vitamin B12, necessary for the proper hematopoietic function of the bone marrow. Cobalt is a bio-element with important …

Zinc Zn

Zinc Zn
a micronutrient that plays an important role in wound healing, forming and strengthening bones, preventing rheumatic diseases, skin, hair loss, …