Iron Fe

Iron Fe

trace element, whose current supply to the body is extremely important for health. Iron is a bio-element necessary for the construction of red blood cells, is involved in the transport of oxygen, in cellular respiration. Iron-containing red blood cells determine the embryonic development of the brain, Its deficiency during pregnancy delays the mental development of the child. Moreover, iron deficiency contributes to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, skin, hair loss, anemii, weakening of the general immunity of the body, leukemias. The daily iron requirement in children and adolescents is 6…15 mg, in adults 12…15 mg. Iron is present in food in smaller amounts and much less often than, for example, in food. calcium, mainly in various types of meat and fish, the liver, kidneys, black pudding, egg yolk, processed cheese, cucumbers, green parsley, lettuce, salsefii, kale, in currants, gooseberries, apples, lingonberries, forest raspberries, blackberries, nettles, yeast and dark bread. Vitamin C and copper play an important role in the absorption of iron.