Zucchini fritters

Zucchini fritters


Zucchini fritters:

    • 700g cukinii – 2 large or 4 medium
    • 2 medium eggs
    • 1 spoon of salt
    • 1 a teaspoon of garlic powder
    • 1/2 teaspoons of black pepper
    • 2 green onions, chopped
    • 2/3 glasses (83 g) flour
    • frying oil
    • Sour cream for serving

Zucchini fritters:

1. Line a large bowl with a thin kitchen towel or gauze. Rub the courgettes in a towel.

2. Put a towel in the bag and squeeze out any excess liquid.

3. Transfer to a large bowl. Add salt, pepper, powdered garlic, green onion, flour and beaten eggs. Mix it up, until they connect well.

4. In a large frying pan, heat the oil over medium heat. Apply 2-3 spoons of a mixture of zucchini in hot oil, slightly flatten.

5. Fry 3-4 minutes on each side or until golden brown. Transfer to paper towels to dry.


See an instructional video on how to prepare delicious courgette pancakes.