"Aspic” from the hen

"Aspic” from the hen

Not very fat hen (ok. 1,5 kg), a large bunch of soup vegetables without cabbage, 3 onions, 5 carnations, a few grains of pepper and allspice, a large bunch of parsley, 10 flat teaspoons of powdered gelatin, 25 a dag of cooked ham or lean soft sausage, salt

Do 2 l of boiling water put the peeled and rinsed greens, onions, cloves, pepper, allspice and a bunch of parsley. Cook through 30 min., then remove the vegetables and place the hen thoroughly washed and divided into portions. Cook until tender (ok. 1 at), salt at the end. Cool the soft hen and remove the bones and skin, and cut the meat into not too small pieces. Drain the broth and boil it, so that there is no more than 1 l. Then add the gelatin soaked in cold water and dissolved in a small amount of boiling water. Cool the broth. For the vessel - a glass salad bowl is the best - pour the stock to a height of approx. 1 cm and wait until it freezes. On this layer of jelly arrange chicken pieces and ham or sausage cut into neat squares. Pour the decoction with gelatin again and wait until it solidifies. Place the rest of the meat. Put the dish in the refrigerator (preferably for the night) so, so that the whole thing stiffens thoroughly.

Before serving “auszpik” from the salad bowl onto the plate (Wrap the dish for a while with a cloth moistened with hot water), Garnish with lettuce leaves and hard-boiled egg halves. Next to the sauceboat, serve the tartar sauce or the vitamin sauce.