Chilli with beef

Chili-carneIngredients: 40 a dag of ground beef, onion, clove of garlic, 25 a dag of cooked red beans, 40 a dag of cooked white beans, 2 tablespoons of oil, 150 ml of broth (from the powder), a small can of tomato paste, salt, pepper, teaspoon of thyme, half a small teaspoon of chili powder (Cayenne pepper).

Preparation: Peel the onion and garlic, cut into small cubes. Fry the minced meat in oil, add onion and garlic. Spread the tomato paste with the broth. Add the white and red beans to the meat, broth with concentrate. Season with salt, pepper, tymiankiem i chili (the food should be quite spicy). Cook around 10 minutes.

The dish can be served with rice or white bread.