Chicken with orange

Chicken with orange

Medium chicken, onion, 2 bay leaves, 3 cloves, spoon of honey, a glass of dry red wine, 2 oranges, half a teaspoon of ground ginger, salt

Wash the chicken, dry with a cloth, rub with salt and ginger, sprinkle with the juice of one orange and set aside in a cool place for 1 at. Meanwhile, cook the giblets in a little water with the addition of the onion, carnations and bay leaves. Wash the orange thoroughly with a brush in hot water and place it whole inside the chicken carcass. Place in a roasting tin and put in (without fat) in a hot oven.
Po 10 min. Brush the chicken with honey and continue to bake until beautifully browned, watering often with a few spoons of wine (cold). The baking time is 60 — 80 min. After baking, remove the orange, remove the skin, rub the pulp through a sieve, add to the baking sauce and combine with the cooked giblets and sieved. Serve the chicken on the platter, covered with small fries or croutons. Serve the sauce separately in the sauceboat.