Roast beef

meatloaf-veal50 a dag of ground beef
50 a dag of quite oily ground pork
2 carrots
1 for • 2 onions • 30 a dag of mushrooms
2 cubes of mushroom broth • 4 garlic cloves • 1 a large pod of red pepper
2 tomatoes • 1 tablespoon of potato flour • 2 rolls
tablespoon of margarine • 2 eggs
spoon of spices: coriander, basil, juniper
spoon of olive oil • salt • pepper;


Wash the carrots, paprika, for, mushrooms, clean and cut into strips. Dissolve the bouillon cube in a glass of hot water, soak the boots in this. Peel the tomatoes, divide into quarters. Peel the onion, chop into cubes. Fry the mushrooms in margarine, add half the onion, carrot, for. Fry through 5 minutes, constantly stirring. Knead the meat with the bread roll, sole, pepper and eggs. Add the rest of the broth, flour, knead a smooth mass. Spread the meat rectangle on a wet plastic board, sprinkle the fried vegetables and mushrooms, half of the chopped garlic and crushed spices: cilantro, juniper, basil (keep half a teaspoon). Roll it up like a strudel, helping myself wide, a knife immersed in water. Place the roast in a baking tin lined with parchment. Sprinkle the rest of the mushrooms around, tomato particles, onion and pieces of pepper. Add spices, pour a tablespoon of olive oil, 3 spoons of hot water and roll the edges of the parchment. Bake for approx. 60 minutes at temp. 200°. The roast prepared in this way is very juicy and aromatic.

Preparation time: 40 minutes; baking: 60 minutes;

10 portions, each contains approx. 390 kcal.