Egg tips

Easter is over, but we devote this post to eggs anyway. We have prepared a small compilation of tips related to them. We hope, that will be helpful.

Let's start with that, that if the yolk is strong, almost orange in color, it does not mean it at all, that the chickens are being fed some artificial dyes. To get that color, enough, that the breeder will add carrots to the feed, containing beta-carotene, i.e. provitamin A., which is also a vegetable dye.

As for the storage of eggs, let's remember about it, to put the eggs in the fridge after buying them, unwashed, because it extends their durability, wash them only before use. Washing the eggs can cause microdamages to the shell, so storing a washed egg increases the chances of getting zbuka scrambled into the scrambled eggs.

Dominik: Therefore, the fact of acquiring eggs without hen dung soiling is not something positive at all. If the eggs are dirty, then we are sure, that they have not been washed and that one of the damaging factors for the shell has been eliminated!

On the other hand, if raw eggs are needed, to do e.g.. kogel-mogel, it is a good idea to put them in boiling water for a few seconds before breaking, this treatment will remove any salmonella germs, which are just on the eggshell.

What to do if you mix up cooked and raw eggs? Just twist them like a spinning top - the cooked egg will spin, while the raw egg is not, what follows from this, that a boiled egg is like a whole, and in the case of raw, its interior shifts in relation to the shell, absorbing and losing the transferred energy.

Dominik: Physics is bowing. the shell is a solid, and the inside of the egg is liquid, so it spins independently of the shell. If someone wants to understand the phenomenon, I propose an experiment. Just fill a plastic bottle halfway with water and cap it – Water moving in the bottle will slow down the rotation of the bottle in exactly the same way.

In order not to overdo it with the amount of eggs eaten, theoretically, it is talked about, that it's allowed to eat one egg a day. But who, in practice, will be satisfied with one? At one time, we should not eat more than the portion from the middle of the week, that is three, four eggs. We also often forget about it, that eggs are found in other foods, which we eat every day, such as cakes, pancakes or mayonnaise.

By making baked goods, let's remember, that the yolk makes the dough crisp, in turn, the protein hardens them. Especially when preparing your own dumplings, it is worth remembering, so as not to overdo the latter, because the dough will be firm after cooking; better to add the yolk itself. The egg can also be replaced with various types of flour, or in the case of sweet dishes or desserts - with a banana (my zrobiliśmy to przy okazji pieczenia ciasta z karobem).

Cocoa or chocolate milk go great with boiled eggs as a drink. If you haven't tried this combination yet - we recommend it!