Employee canteens and company kitchens adapted only to serving lunches for employees are not able and authorized to provide nutrition for entire families. This task is also not performed by eateries and taverns. This includes both the higher price of dinner in an open establishment than in a canteen (which is not without significance for the family budget), the distance of the school or home from the inn, conditions of the inn - not always suitable for children, meals compiled and prepared not according to the needs of children, finally, the lack of control over the children and the purposefulness of the money spent, choice of dishes etc.. (It is not uncommon for children to exchange the money intended for dinner for ice cream).

Milk bars are also unable to resolve the issue of family dinners, rather adapted to serving the first and second breakfasts.

The family dinners issue remains unsolved, especially for school children (children in the nursery and kindergarten receive dinners) often creates such a situation, that parents give up lunch in the employee canteen and prepare lunch after work at home. This arrangement, which is disadvantageous from the point of view of nutritional hygiene, is also very burdensome for the housewife, after work, a new effort awaits, which is undoubtedly cooking dinner. For this reason, this burden should be distributed among all household members, which will greatly reduce the burden on the hostess and shorten the time of preparing dinner.

With collective effort, certain activities can be performed before the hostess comes home from work. Here, in the first place, shopping and pre-dinner activities, including:

peeling potatoes and vegetables, cooking the decoction for the soup, cleansing the fish, grinding meat, broth attitude, boil jacket potatoes (noodles, cutlets, dumplings, salad, lazy potato and cheese dumplings etc.), cooking beans, groats, compote etc.. If the housekeeper goes to work late, certain activities can be done by herself before leaving the house. Since the proper organization of work plays a great role in overcoming all difficulties, it should be used in its entirety and in the preparation of meals:

Therefore you should:
1) zestawiać posiłki z potraw stosunkowo łatwych do przyrządzania i szybko gotujących się;
2) rozporządzać o ile na to pozwalają warunki przynajmniej dwiema płytkami gazowymi lub elektrycznymi;
3) dobrze organizować zakupy uwzględniając również zapasy zimowe (potatoes, sauerkraut, tomatoes, fruit preserves etc.);
4) korzystać w szerokim zakresie z pomocy domowników nie wyłączając dzieci;
5) stosować produkty sezonowe, which make it easier for us to plan menus correctly and increase the nutritional value and taste of a meal;
6) stosować od czasu do czasu potrawy jednogarnkowe, supplemented with appropriate additives.