Women who are not working professionally can spend relatively more time preparing meals, than working and therefore menus for these families may include dishes that require longer cooking time and more time to prepare. All kinds of stuffed dumplings can be used here, dumplings, Casserolles, cabbage rolls, combined vegetable dishes and various types of meat, requiring even longer cooking as well as cakes and desserts.

These possibilities do not, however, exclude the use of menus prepared "for working families”, especially with a lot of periodic work or in the summer, when we try to spend as little time as possible working in the kitchen.

When determining the type of meals and arranging menus, we must, however, take into account the type of work of the household members and the family budget. Because the energy losses during physical work are very large, food for manual workers must be high-calorie. They are primarily high-calorie products: fats and fatty types of meat, grain products, legumes, potatoes, sugar, sweets etc.. To reduce the cost of meals, the amount of animal protein products is limited to the necessary amounts, supplementing them with a variety of vegetable protein - from plant products.

Food for white collar workers must be less caloric, to avoid unnecessary weight gain. In addition to essential protein products, diets for white-collar workers should include a large amount of fruit and vegetables. Cereal products and fats should be used in limited amounts.

Sample lunch menus developed, both for white-collar and blue-collar workers, are an illustration of the guidelines discussed.