Whipped cream with amaretto

Recently, a bottle of amaretto fell into my hand, but because of this, that we don't usually drink liqueurs, I didn't really know, what to do with it. And I remembered the recipe for a delicious dessert, which I once saw on an episode of Nigella Lawson's show.

I will mark it right away, that the recipe is modified from the original, and for this, what I really wanted to achieve, and this is due to the season. There are no cherries or cherries in May yet, and it is these fruits that I would like to use. Instead, I had a strawberry plant and a box of blueberries, so I managed somehow.

Whipped cream with amaretto, because we are talking about this provision, it is a very tasty dessert, however, rather unsuitable for children due to the clearly alcoholic nature imparted by amaretto. If someone really wants to prepare a dessert for their kids, I would suggest looking for something more suitable or modifying the recipe. About the alcohol content (about 20 ml of liqueur per serving) frequent drivers should also be informed.

Ingredients for 4 portions:

  • 400-500 ml of cream 30%
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar
  • 80 ml amaretto
  • a box of almond cookies
  • fruit to garnish (preferably cherries)

We start with the preparation of the base. On the bottom of the four cups crumble a few almond cookies. They can be any cookie, both crispy, as well as soft, as long as they are almond, otherwise they won't fit very well with amaretto. I used three cookies per cup, but cookie biscuit lumpy.

We prepare the fruit: we wash, we dry, we cut into pieces, or what is needed in a given case. I allowed myself to cut the strawberries into smaller pieces.

Mix the amaretto and sugar until the latter dissolves. Then combine with cream and beat with a mixer for as long, until the whole thing thickens properly. Put the ready whipped cream into the cups. The whipped cream should be slightly beige in color from the liqueur. Decorate the desserts with fruit. Winter, when fruit is harder to come by, we can sprinkle the whipped cream with an additional portion of crushed cookies.

The cups should be put in the fridge for an hour, but if the cream was freshly removed from the refrigerator, you can also afford immediate consumption. We did just that, making the cookies on the bottom still crispy. After an hour in the refrigerator, the bottom will be largely soft regardless of the type of cookies used.