Watermelon and strawberry smoothie

Summer is fast approaching, so we decided to refresh ourselves. Po przygotowywaniu bitej śmietany z amaretto poprzedniego dnia zostało nam sporo truskawek, so we decided to make our favorite smoothie. Its composition is fabulously simple and although the preparation is a bit tedious, it is worth spending some time above the table top, because the effect is great.

We only need two ingredients to prepare our smoothie: watermelon and strawberries, in proportion by weight 2:1 (twice as much watermelon). As you can see in the photos, we had over strawberries without stalks 800 grams, and before removing the rind, there was less than that 1900, so more or less perfect. Such proportions were enough for almost two liters of a refreshing smoothie.

Ingredients for approx. 1 liter:

  • watermelon 1 kg
  • strawberries 500 g
  • optional some sugar

Wash the strawberries and stalk them. This is the fastest part of the job. In turn, prepare a watermelon like this, to get rid of all the seeds. I cut it into thin slices, so, so that all the stones are visible and I remove them with a knife.

Put the fruit in a large bowl and use a hand blender to thoroughly blend it. You can also use a blender with a stem, if someone has one and prepares less smoothies than we do. There is basically no need to add sugar, but it does happen, especially when the watermelons and strawberries are not too sweet yet, that it is advisable to sweeten the whole thing.

The smoothie can successfully be put in the fridge, because it does not stratify and survives the night without any problems. Our portion was enough to make a delicious and wonderfully refreshing addition to the breakfast the next morning.