Puff pastry with pear

puff pastryIngredients:
• 1 opakowanie mrożonego francuskiego ciasta
• 1 puszka gruszek
• cukier puder

Defrost the dough in the refrigerator (remove from the freezer the previous day) • ułożyć na lekko posypanym mąką stole, use the knurl to cut into squares • make a circle in the middle of the squares • place the pears in the middle, cover with a square with a hole cut out • cut strips from the rest of the dough, stick them crosswise on the pears • bake the biscuits until golden brown in an oven preheated to 220 ° C.

You can bake cakes with other fruits in the same way.

Preparation 20 min

For 6 people
1 portion – ok. 350 kcal