Coffee after the Cossack

Cossack coffee is quite famous in international cuisine, although the name, stimulating the imagination, has little to do with the drinks of real Cossacks, because they probably didn't drink coffee at all. It comes from here, that it is a drink for adults only, in good health…
1 i 1/2 sweeten glasses of water 2 spoons of sugar, add the vanilla pod cut lengthwise. Heat the water slowly, until boiling. Dissolve in boiling 4 take spoons of Nesca coffee extract and remove the pot from the heat. Pour 1 i 1/2 glasses of dry red wine and heat up vigorously, but not to cook. Pour a glass of pure vodka into four heated glasses, then top it up with a hot coffee-wine mixture (remove the vanilla). Decorate the rims of the glasses with a halved lemon slice.
Due to the powerful ingredients, which revive and the spirit, and body, we only serve one glass of this drink.