Beetroot salad after borscht

Beetroot salad after borscht

Nothing is worse than preparing a last minute party. There is always something going to happen, which will complicate the situation even more. And that's what happened in my case. Tonight I invited guests to St. Andrew's night, so I decided to prepare a salad with chicken and borscht with cabbage soup. Ponieważ lodówka była zapełniona miskę z zawartością położyłam na parapecie po drugiej stronie okna. Kiedy odwróciłam się na chwilę, to take something to cover the bowl, my neighbor's cat was already eating chicken from my salad. Drama! The guests will be here in half an hour, and I have nothing to give. Suddenly I remembered the super fast way to make a delicious salad. Here is my recipe:

Beetroot salad with herring and chives


  • 6 herring fillets
  • 5 cooked beetroot (a residue of my borscht)
  • 3 pickles
  • 2 small onions
  • 3 hard-boiled eggs
  • 3 spoons of mayonnaise
  • a bunch of chives
  • salt
  • pepper


Step 1. Dice the herring, beetroot, cucumbers, onions and eggs.
Step 2. Add all chopped ingredients to a bowl and mix with mayonnaise.
Step 3. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
Step 4. Sprinkle chopped chives on top.