
Baking is a process of:
1) zmiękczeniu tkanek produktu pod działaniem wysokiej temperatury,
2) ścinaniu białka,
3) karmelizowaniu skrobi w warstwach zewnętrznych potrawy i zamianie skrobi na klej skrobiowy lub dekstrynę wewnątrz produktu,
4) znacznym wyparowaniu wody,
5) powstawaniu substancji działających pobudzająco na wydzielanie soków trawiennych.

These changes are the result of the high temperature of the air heated in the closed, oven space.
The following food groups fall within the scope of baking.
Dishes baked without sauces, like porridge, potatoes with eggs, pasta with apples, noodles with ham.
Dishes baked in sauces, like all kinds of risottos, baked meat (piece of meat in béchamel sauce, carp in horseradish sauce), dishes in shells.
Whole roast meats, i.e. the so-called. "baking” bayed in a cream or natural sauce, stuffed roulades, stuffed meat (veal brisket, poultry etc.), meat "in English”.
Yeast cakes, semi-brittle, brittle, semi-french, cream, semi-french yeast, French, soul, biscuit, macaroons, puff pastry.
The temperature required to bake food varies considerably depending on the ingredients of the dish, its consistency and size of pieces.