1. Masurian cabbage soup on pork, soup meat with horseradish, bread.

2. Italian cabbage soup on sausage with garlic, Soup sausage, bread, beetroots. .

3. Vegetable soup on meat with beans, meat from the soup, bread, Cucumber salad with sour cream.

4. Broth with mastic dough, piece of meat with broth vegetables, bread, horseradish with cream. (Fruit with sugar).

5. Cabbage stuffed with meat and groats with tomatoes and cream, bread, raw fruit compote.

6. Fish stewed in vegetables mixed with peas and greens, wheat-time bread with butter. Berries with cream and sugar.

7. Potatoes baked with eggs, tomato salad. Curdled milk, beaten, bread.

8. Vegetarian tripe with sliced ​​pancakes, bread with butter and rennet cheese. Curdled milk, beaten.

9. Beet borscht spiced with cream, beans and egg, bread.

10. Pea soup with smoked meat and dumplings, bread. Fruit with sugar.