American pancakes (Pancakes)

American pancakes (Pancakes)

I present a recipe for the original American pancakes with maple sauce. This is a really good recipe, perfect for breakfast. The downside is this, that they are quite caloric so you should eat them in the right amounts.


  • 1,5 spoons of baking powder
  • 1 spoon of sugar
  • 350g of flour
  • 3 spoons of melted butter
  • 300ml of milk
  • egg
  • butter
  • maple sauce


Pour into the bowl 3 spoons of baking powder, spoon of sugar, 350g of flour. We mix everything with a spoon and pour it 3 spoons of melted butter, 300ml of milk and an egg. Then we mix everything together thoroughly, so that there are no lumps. The mass should be quite dense, if it is too thin, you can add a little flour.

Then we move on to frying. Please note, że prawdziwe amerykańskie naleśniki smaży się nie na oleju a na maśle. Naleśniki smażymy na średnim ogniu około dwóch minut z jednej strony. Finally, pour the maple sauce over the finished pancakes.